GFRS is a cement surface finishing material developed by one of our customers, Pioneer Process Sdn. Bhd., to provide natural look of sandstone, polished stone, chip-stone and colour stone. AALBORG WHITE cement is incorporated in the mixture of white silica sand, fine aggregates, mineral fillers, polymer, glass fibre, ultra-violet resistant pigment and other additives to make GFRS stronger material apart from providing natural stone appearance uniqueness of its own.
GFRS are used in many applications such as:
• Façade Cladding and Wall Panels.
• Large Planter Boxes.
• Counter Tops and Stone Furniture.
• Floral Panels and Decorative Pots.
Among the features and benefits of using GFRS are:
• Free from Volatile Organic Compound (VOC).
• A three (3)-dimensional stone finishing product can be made in a single unit without joints which could not be achieved using ordinary stone and marble materials.
• Two to three times lighter in weight compared with pre-cast product of similar size.
• Custom made to suit latest styles and designs.
• Durable and conform to ASTM C947-99 standard.