The road ahead is not just wonderful pictures and good words. The road ahead is through sensual communication. You should not just read, but experience. You should try a product’s benefits and qualities. You should not be satisfied with words about the magnificence of cement, but experience it yourself. We have therefore placed particular emphasis on creating a means of communication which provides the opportunity to SEE, FEEL, EXPERIENCE. Try it. It works.
We like the word ‘tactile’. Tactile comes from the word ‘to touch’. There is a media where you can guarantee that there will be tactile communication. It is in meeting with other people. That’s why we like to meet face to face with those partners who we want to involve in the progress of our brand. Many of our means of communication involve a meeting between people, which usually takes place around the product concerned. This is intentional. When our brand is a culture, we want to share it with important partners in the value chain. The physical meeting therefore becomes a necessary and efficient media. We want to move those we meet and are prepared to be moved our-selves in the meeting. It is only when people move together that we actively create the future.
We want to be known by our actions. We have developed our tools by experiencing our partners’ world through their eyes. Through the activities and the tools we bring with us, we live in our partner’s world. We therefore create the experiences which will bring aesthetics a step further for our customers, for our customers’ customers – for the world!